Design tilting LED floor

For 'Vrienden van Amstel Live! 2013' a tilting construction for a 6 by 6 meter LED video floor in the surface of the stage was asked. By tilting the floor a bridge could be created to a higher part of the stage. The LED floor could also be used as a vertical screen.

Neo supported the creative ideas with a technical concept. This concept was further developed to a solution based on standard (truss) components. The tilting movement was driven by two hydraulic cylinders, servo valve speed control and position feedback with pull wire encoders.

In addition to the construction for tilting, a special floor structure was designed for the (vertical) fixation of the LED video tiles.  

Draft principle
Design of construction with screen flat position
Design of construction with screen in upright position
Detail LED floor construction
Test build in workshop
Test tilting construction with video tiles
Construction in use during the show


Testing in workshop

Test run tilting construction on location

Movement LED floor 'behind the scenes'

Movement LED floor during rehearsal